
Stages of Production
The 5 stages of production

  1. Pre-production
  2. (planning) 
  3. Production (actually start production)
  4. Post production (editing)
  5. Distribution (sending it to platforms) 
  6. Exhibition (audience buying it)
New game
  • Pre-production: have an idea, cast to work on it, and script 
  • Production: start production, get programmers to start the process of creating the game, graphics and animation. Design
  • Post production: Go through the Production stage for mistakes, add new things and make changes
  • Distribution: Posting or making the game available on different platforms so customers can access it
  • Exhibition: audience start buying the product
  1. write the lyrics
  2. record the song
  3. edit the beat and change some lyrics
  4. get it on platforms like radio, spotify iTunes etc.
  5. audience pay for the song, stream or download it
How has access to digital media technology changed the way in which audience consumes media?

Access to Digital Media Technology has change our way of consuming media in a whole different way. We have over 1000s of music to our reach with just one a click  spottily, iTunes, deezer etc. all available on our phones , pc and others computers. we can access different movies on platform like Netflix, where we can access all these movies.

Technological Convergence

Media Technological convergence is the tendency that as technology changes, different technological systems sometimes evolve towards performing similar tasks.
For example; a mobile hone can now do more than just call and text, it has a number of other functions reducing the need for a bunch of other devices.


  • Immediacy-->    how slow or fast we get something
  • Access-->   how you get to something.
  • Convenience-->   how reliable or easy to use something is 
  • Portability-->    how easy/difficult to move around
  • Connectivity-->   how it joins together  
  • Interactivity-->   how you work with it   
  • Personalisation--> making something your own
Explain the advantages and  disadvantages of technological convergence.

Technological Convergence has made it much easier for us to have access many different media sectors on just one device. 
For example we can now rely on our phone for almost everything, from messaging and checking the calendar, time, weather to watching videos, music and even TV.

This gives us advantages like,  
Access, Technological convergence has change how we use to get things. Example when you can now order food or clothes online without having to go to the shop, we have access to music,movies/films in our homes, phones and computers therefore we don't have to go to the cinemas to watch movies.
But this also is a disadvantage as this makes us rely on our devices and forget to interact with the world and our selfs, for example we use to go to the cinemas with friends and families, go out for shopping and buy foods, all this involves communicating and interacting with each other and sharing an experience. But we hardly do any of these because with just one tap you can have food,movie and clothes at your door in our house 
Convenience is also an advantage of technological convergence

Understanding Audience Through Research
Audience Statistics: When fact and figures are collected on things like circulation, website 'hits', box office figures, ratings, sales etc.
Why is this information important?
Because it allows creators to know what the audience like and is gravitated to
How would information be obtained?
There are 2 basic types of research. The are:

  • Primary Research; research that is conducted first-hand (questionnaires, focus groups,  interviews, etc).
  • Secondary Research:'Second hand' research conducted by using existing primary research information (books,magazines, internet etc).
Research can be broken down into the following:
Qualitative: Opinions and views
Quantity: Numbers and Figures

Stylistic Codes: Connotations and Denotations
All media text have 2 layers of meaning
Denotations what we can actually see
Connotation what you associate with the image

Is it important that images have different connotations depending on the readers image, text

Written code in media

  • Slogans
  • Type face font
  • Headlines
  • Captions
  • Style
  • Choice of words
  • Emphasis of words
Mie en scene
  • Composition or navigation
  • Lighting
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • A person in black and white with a walking stick
  • Tall trees
  • Everything is in black and white
  • Graves
This image suggest an old walking through the cemetery to visit lost ones grave stones.  Also this image suggest secrets fear and intimidation in the shadows

Different Shots and Angles
Extreme Long Shot(ELS) general impression rather than specific information
Establishing Shot(ES)
Long Shots(LS)shows whole screen full body shot
Medium or Mid Shot(MS) for dialogue scenes shows upper waist body background detail is minimal
Close-Up(CU) Focus on a particular thing, background blur
Extreme close up(ECU) use on specific small detail, magnifying the detail 
Over the shoulder shot from something or someones point of view
High angle above the action looking down at it
Birds eye view directly above the object 
Low angle looking up at it
Eye level What the eye captures
worms eye directly down the action 
Oblique/Canted angle

LO. To explore how sound and music are used for effect.
Ambient sound
The sounds of everything going on around the person who is speaking. for example the sound of wave and wind on a beach scene.

Synchronised Sound
The words are spoken to match the lip movements of the speaker. Often used in music videos or musical programs.

Voice-Over Sound
Sound that is dubbed onto any picture sequences. i.e. Documentaries and advertisements

Sound Effect
Are usually added at the end/in of post production
SE can be sub divided into 2 types:
Diegetic Sounds
Sound whose source is visible on the screen,i.e voices of characters, sound made by objects in the story, music represented as coming from instruments in the story space(=source music)
Non-Diegetic Sound
Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in action i.e narrator's commentary, sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect.

                                           to understand  NARRATIVE
Narrative is the word used to describe the plot or storyline of a film.
Most mainstream film have a very straight forward structure; beginning, middle, end.
Narrative Structures   

  • Linear -->beginning - middle - end
  • Non-linear-->  Flashbacks etc
  • Multi Strand-->Several narratives running at the same time
  • Open--> Cliffhanger story does not resolve
  • Point of view--> first person(through the eyes of a character), Second person (documentary), third person (outside the story relating experience) 
                                       Looking at narratives
Tzvetan Todorov developed a theory that all narrative regardless of genre can be broken down into 5 specific stages.
  1. Equilibrium: This is when the key characters are introduced and the storyline is set up.
  2. Disruption: This is where the oppositional character appears (the bad guy or opposite of the key characters)the story takes a particular direction
  3. Recognition: The lives of characters and events are interwoven . Tension builds out, this is mostly the longest part
  4. Attempt to repair: The highest point of tension after which there is a dynamic change.
  5. Reinstatement of equilibrium: Matters are sorted out, problems are solved and questions answered
   Reading Theory the theory states that media text are encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the text fills the product with values and messages. The text is then decoded by the audience.
Dominate or Preferred Reading
This is when the text is read in the way the producer intended the text to be read. Example: a handbag that looks appealing to a female reader encouraging her to go out and buy it.
Negotiated Reading
The audience accepts the views of the producer but also has their own input and understanding of the text.  They not agree or disagree, they can however see a point made in relation to the reading whiles making their own points. Example: they see a handbag advertised and think it looks nice but could not justify spending the amount of money it would cost.
Oppositional Reading
The audience rejects the producers preferred reading and creates their own reading of the text, usually this is the opposite of what the producer intended. Example: an advertising for a handbag is rejected completely as the reader believes the advert is stereotyping woman and categorising them on their own .


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